Breath of Medley

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Sweater Weather.

Photos By: Deji Fadero 

If you follow me on instagram (@idy_mercy), you will understand by now that winter and I don't get along. The weather in Saskatoon especially in winter, can't seem to make up its mind. For approximately four days, we had beautiful weather The sun was out, shinning down on my skin, there was no need for thick jackets, life was beautiful! The next thing I know, it snows for three days. Not the blizzard snow type, but the more annoying kind, where it starts, then stops, then proceeds to start again. And now as I'm writing this, the sun is out again and everything has started to melt once again! Lord help me!

Seeing that the weather is quite indecisive, today's blog post is based on that indecisiveness. If you live in Canada, or anywhere that generally gets quite cold, you MUST have a sweater collection. Now I admit, twelve years ago when I first moved to Canada, I HATED turtlenecks. So much that when my mom bought them, I would hide it in the back of my dresser and it was never to be seen or worn. Now I can't seem to stop buying them. I guess age really does change your perspective on things. I paired this grayish turtleneck sweater with skinny jeans, because I figured with the oversized look of the top, the skinny jeans would be a nice contrast. I added my favorite pair of booties this winter, with my grey jacket to create a, "I-still-hate-winter-but-just-because-I-hate-it-doesn't-mean-I-can't-look-good-while-living-in-it-look.


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