Hello, is it me?
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
Adele couldn't have said it better than I could have! Hey guys, how are y'all doing on this wonderful, beautiful, blessed, bright, [insert any synonyms you may think of] day? It's been a minute (exaggeration of the year), but I'm overjoyed to be back on my site. For those of y'all who have been commenting, questioning, emailing, and hounding me about the revival of my site, today is the day I slowly inch out of hiding.
I felt I should give you guys a quick recap of what I have been up to in the last 9 months since my last post:
1. June- my birthday!
2. July-August- summer classes = no life
3. September-December - FINAL YEAR OF UNDERGRAD BEGINS! In other words... no social life as well!
4. January- HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL! (Four months late, but.. better late than never)
Now I wish my absence could be explained as simplistically as I have, but it cannot. Although it has been 9 months since my last post, but this current season of my life began about 2 years ago. At first, I attempted to share as I learnt, but it was only in the past 9 months, did I unknowingly chose to submit to the process God was taking me through. Some of the indirect consequences of that choice were to put some things on hold, and one of those things was blogging.
Not to worry, I'm back (sorta)! I'm back in the sense that I will to the best of my ability begin to blog again, but the content will be shifted a little. In this new journey, I hope to be more open in talking about my relationship with my BFF, O.G., my one and only, and the only love/like of my life! I hope that as I slowly begin to be more vulnerable in this new season of my journey, that whoever decides to read will join me on my slow journey towards vulnerability.
I also hope that at the beginning of this new chapter, I will also finally open a segment on my blog I titled "Body Love." Pray for me y'all, for it has been a struggle to get this segment going, but I will have it up and running! Building healthy habits are one of my main focuses in this season of my life, and although I am not a master at it (yet), I hope to get there one day.
Apart from that, thank you for reading and visiting my site! I will see y'all soon!
Until next time,